Meet the Moms: Introducing Christine
Meet Christine, one of our UpChoose moms from New York. Christine is a first-time mom of Willa who is almost eight months old! She joined UpChoose just before Willa was born. You can follow her on Instagram @christinehanrutledge.
What’s your name? Any nickname?
Christine! Some of my friends call me Weenie (I guess I’m smaller than most of them?).
Live in? Grew up in?
Currently living in NYC. We just recently moved here after 10 years in London, UK. I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada!
You’re the mom of...
Willa (6 months at the end of October) and Goose (our baby chihuahua who thinks he is a human will be 8 years old at the end of this year)!
What made you want to be more careful about the things you buy for yourself or your family? Was there an “aha” moment or a specific event?
It was in high school, at my best friend Chloe’s house - her family was really into organic, sustainable, holistic living and that's when I discovered this whole new way of life!
How did you get started? What were the first few changes you made?
I think back then it was just being more conscious of how there were smarter decisions that I could make for my health as well as the planet. Starting with buying organic vitamins and grocery items evolved into doing research and making the best choice possible on pretty much everything I purchase or do!

Christine and Willa
What are some benefits you have seen over time, are there things that worked well for you?
I think health-wise, my family and I have seen our health and immunity improve. We try to tackle things holistically and I think that has made a big difference. Sustainability-wise, we choose the plastic-free option if it exists, avoid ‘fast fashion’ and go for organic and sustainably made clothing where possible, etc. We are constantly learning new things and so continually reflect and revisit the way we approach things. These days everything seems to come with some sort of negative warning so we like to think that as long as we’re doing our best we’re happy.
❝ I’m just so happy to have found UpChoose and that a program like this exists. It is everything that I was looking for!❞
Any tips you'd like to share with other expecting parents who just heard about these issues and trying to figure out their first steps?
Everyone is different and every family is different so there is no ‘right way’ of doing things. Make informed decisions that work for you. Find like-minded people who have the same interests and goals, have conversations to find out what they’re doing. You might like what they have to say or you might want to do things differently and that’s okay! Being open-minded is always positive.
Can you tell us a bit about the set(s) you received from UpChoose? What did you pick and how have you used the platform so far?
I was so excited to find UpChoose and signed up before Willa was born! We have had two pre-loved, classic clothes-only sets so far, 0-3 and 3-6 months. We decided on the clothes only as we did not need the other items, and we chose pre-loved as we did not mind having clothes that had been used by another baby - UpChoose clearly outlined the way they clean their used clothes and we were happy with the process. Going from one size to the next was super easy. You can move the date forward or back depending on your situation and as soon as you get the new set you send back the old set (love the reusable packaging), along with any other organic clothing for a discount/credit. Easy peasy!
Do you already have a favorite outfit or item from your UpChoose set?
My husband has a really sweet morning routine with Willa where he will bring her a few different outfits to choose from. They both seem to really love this dotted grey and white onesie from Colored Organics as she shows up to breakfast in it quite a bit!

Willa in her favorite Colored Organics footie from her UpChoose set!
What’s most exciting to you about being part of the UpChoose community and what are the most important things we can help you achieve?
I’m just so happy to have found UpChoose and that a program like this exists. It is everything that I was looking for - cute, safe, organic clothing for my baby that gets re-used in a sustainable way, and I don’t have to worry about what to do with the clothes that Willa grows out of!
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
I have always said that I would love to be able to apparate (Harry Potter styles) but with the pandemic, this is now particularly true! We haven’t been able to get home to introduce Willa to our families yet and apparition would have really come in handy by now!
Favorite activities or games you play with the kid(s)?
Willa is currently into peekaboo-type games, as well as karaoke dance parties in our tiny NYC apartment.
Favorite movie?
Most recently watched and LOVED JoJo Rabbit!
Favorite song?
I can’t choose! My Spotify is usually playing a soundtrack from a musical. I love musicals. I think my fave might be Spring Awakening. Or RENT.
Dream place for a vacation?
Anywhere warm and sunny where dogs are allowed!
Favorite dish?
I grew up on Korean food so any home-cooked Korean meal made by my mom or grandmother is my favorite!
What Christine picked for Willa
0-3m: UpChoose Clothes-Only Set, Classic, Preloved
3-6m: UpChoose Clothes-Only Set, Classic, Preloved
6-9m: UpChoose Clothes-Only Set, Classic, Preloved
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