Meet the Moms: Introducing Jolana.
Meet Jolana from California
Meet Jolana, one of our UpChoose moms from San Francisco, California. Jolana is a first-time mom to an adorable little girl called Ronja. Becoming a mom led her to want to adopt more sustainable consumption behaviors, and she joined UpChoose when Ronja was born. You can follow her on Instagram @lolaslifeofficial.
What’s your name? Any nickname?
My name is Jolana Iten and my nickname Lola. I used to call myself Lola already as a kid! And it stayed with me my whole life.
Live in? Grew up in?
I come from the Czech Republic, studied in Austria, Vienna. Moved there when I was about 10. It was a great opportunity! Although very hard at the beginning, as my parents stayed in the Czech Republic. It was an international project with kids from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Austria. I came back to the Czech Republic to study at university. After I graduated, I got a job in Switzerland, where I met my husband and we moved to New York City for a couple of years. We currently live in San Francisco and we love it.
You’re the mom of...
A perfect little human being named Ronja, 9 months.
What made you want to be more careful about the things you buy for yourself or your family? Was there an “aha” moment or a specific event?
When we moved to NYC and I saw how this city is stuffed with things, clothes, plastic. Don’t get me wrong, I love NYC and will probably move back one day, but this has opened my eyes. I also worked in fashion and witnessed the number of materials being thrown away, waste of clothes, etc. So having the opportunity, to see behind the fashion scene, I knew I wanted to be more careful about the thing I buy for my family, as I want my daughter to grow up in a family where we care about the world we live in so that it’s a natural pattern for her.
How did you get started? What were the first few changes you made?
Recycled fashion is a huge part of my life. That’s how I found out about UpChoose, as I was looking for used baby clothes. Didn’t want her to start her life with a bunch of clothes we’re gonna throw away after a couple of months. We also use eco-friendly diapers and cosmetics.

What are some benefits you have seen over time, are there things that worked well for you?
My daughter's skin is perfect! She’s a happy baby and that’s the best benefit.
❝ I knew I wanted to be more careful about the thing I buy for my family, as I want my daughter to grow up in a family where we care about the world we live in. ❞
Any tips you'd like to share with other new or expecting parents who just heard about these issues and trying to figure out their first steps?
Every baby is different, just believe in your instincts and don’t let yourself be hunted by brands. That’s what I’ve learned. You don’t have to read any book, that tells you how to take care of your baby and what/where to buy, which milestones to reach on the exact day, etc. You’ll know everything naturally when your baby is here.
Can you tell us a bit about the set(s) you received from UpChoose so far? What did you pick and how have you used the platform so far?
Our first set was 0-3 months, classic style for mild weather, clothes only. And of course preloved :) I love similar natural colors and simple washing of clothes didn’t want to have to organize her clothes and wash different colors separately. There are better things to do than laundry! Our next set will be rented, so we are subscribers of UpChoose now. And I’m pretty sure we’ll love it. I am also really pleased I don’t have that stress “what do I do with these clothes?” As I don’t have time to sell them online, communicate with potentially interested moms, send every piece, etc.
Do you already have a favorite outfit or item from your UpChoose set(s)?
We love those white-footed onepieces. And this one.

Ronja in her favorite Finn and Emma outfit from her UpChoose set!
What’s most exciting to you about being part of the UpChoose community and what are the most important things we can help you achieve?
UpChoose is one of the best ideas and companies for moms! Babies grow so fast, it makes no sense to buy new things for a few weeks. I think it’s exciting being a part of a community of loving people, who want to offer the best to their children and work together on creating a better future for them. Because it’s not only about saving money and having the best, but also about the whole model, that could save so many sources in the future. I love this idea. My husband wasn’t sure about UpChoose at the beginning :) He wanted to buy only new clothes as it’s our first baby and she deserves only the best! But now he is a huge fan, as he sees how cool this is!
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
No more harmed children and animals.
Favorite activities or games you play with the kids?
Ronja is 9 months, so sleeping and baby yoga.
Favorite movie?
Pulp fiction.
Favorite song?
Do I wanna know by Arctic Monkeys.
Dream place for a vacation?
Favorite dish?
Truffle pasta. Yummy!
What Jolana picked for Ronja
0-3m: UpChoose Clothes-Only Set, Classic, Preloved, Buy + Sell Back
3-6m: UpChoose Clothes-Only Set, Classic, Preloved, Rental
6-9m: UpChoose Clothes-Only Set, Classic, Preloved, Rental
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